Belgium, The Trip of My Dreams

I’ve seen this trip in my dreams, just not one of the ethereal ones.

There’s no doubt that Belgium is beautiful. I loved visiting Brussels and Brugge, but almost everything that occurred on that weekend felt like a fever dream. To this day, I’m astounded by the number of odd events that fit into 3 days. There must have been something in the air.

Photos shot on my iPhoneX. These aren’t the most high quality images, but they encapsulate the moments perfectly. Not captured, the endless chocolates, waffles, and cups of hot cocoa consumed.

Extra hot chocolate and cookies on the house, shared with a friend I made on the plane.

We booked a private room in a beautiful, modern house that the family had designed themselves. However, we were shocked to find out that our shower was in the room, literally adjacent to the bed. The divider and curtain were transparent and using it created a sauna-like atmosphere. We are not prudes, but whenever one of us bathed the other rolled over on the bed for privacy.

I dream of having a neighborhood spot like this bar. Well lit and quiet, the barkeep massaged an old man’s back while he continued playing his arcade game.

The canals in Brugge.

Upon arriving back to the Brussels Train Station, a random passerby swang at my face and caught my hair. I kept walking.

Perhaps this was karma for mistaking my friend’s face for the alarm that morning. Sorry Corrine!

Grand Palace in Brussels

We assumed that a shop called Pasta Madre would sell pasta. How naive of us! They only sold pizzas and all the pizzas were variations of tomato sauce and cheese. Frugally, we tried to take a bus that never showed up so we arrived back to our AirBnb with cold pizzas only to realize they weren’t sliced. It turned out to be quiet good.

Reflecting on our mental state at the end of the weekend.


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